Seasons of Change


Are You Naomi or Mara?

By: Trenika Bradley

There can be seasons of life a woman can go through in her heart that contain bitterness, unforgiveness, pity, pride, fear, low self-esteem, feelings of loneliness and brokenness. Have you ever questioned or said in your heart God has dealt me a bitter blow? You felt at one time in your life or even now that you were “strong” but the effects of life has left you “weak” and feeling “defeated.” Have there been experiences from your life that has placed a “stone” in your heart and caused your heart to become “harden”? This is how Naomi felt after losing her husband and sons. In the book of Ruth 1:20-21, Naomi no longer wanted to be called by her name which meant “pleasant” instead because of the pain in her heart, and feeling as though the Lord had brought affliction upon she now wanted to be called “Mara” which meant “bitter”. Romans: 8:28 that say that ALL things, not something’s but ALL things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. We have to remember that even in those “stings” of life, God has a plan and we have to get beyond those “weeping” stages of loss so He can continue on with the plan He has in store for you. There is a time and a season for everything but often as women we want to stay in the time of loss when God is urging you to LET IT GO! We all have experienced losses whether it has been a bad marriage, your job, a home, and even death, but we have to get past those life disappointments that have left us bound and defeated and feeling just hopeless. God is a God who says I came to give you life and give it in abundance.

As women it is challenging after several hurts and disappointments to allow our hearts to become so vulnerable again and this can keep you in a “prison” within yourself and God wants you to release those issues in your heart so you can experience the freedom of having joy! The longer we hold on to the hurt, the more fuel we give the enemy to use against us. But God has a plan if you just trust Him and know that His delay is not His denial. Believe for that job promotion, that house, those children and even your Boaz! If God promised it He is faithful to deliver. The Bible says that God is not a man He does not lie (see Numbers 23:19)

Life will make you bitter or better and make you even want to you change your name, but God is saying hold on, gather up the barley its harvest time and your season is not over!

Author: Nicki Bradley