Don’t give up, God’s reconstructing your life


Ephesians 2:10 NKJ: For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 Amp: For we are God’s own handiwork (His workmanship) recreated in Christ Jesus (born anew) that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us (taking on paths which He prepared ahead of time) that we should walk in them (living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live). God said to Jacob in Isaiah 29:23: When you see your children, the work of My hands, you will not be ashamed or disgraced, for they will hallow My name and hallow the Holy One of Jacob and fear the Lord of Israel. Verse 24 Message Bible: Those who got off track will get back on track.

These scriptures are so awesome. It was written before you were created, and it was written just for me and you. Powerful to allow us to know that when you come to the Lord, damaged goods, dead spiritually, damaged emotionally, and dead or dying physically, when God begins to draw you, He did because Jesus said in John 6:44: No man comes to Me unless the Father who sent Me attracts and draws him and give him the desire to come to Me, and then I will raise him up from the dead. There had to be a time, even as a child when you gave your life to Christ, that you had to rededicate if it was to be real. At that time, something had to change. The moment you made up your mind that this is it and you can’t continue on in this lifestyle, and the emotional, physical mess, and you wonder how can God change someone as messed up as me but I need a change, I need more, that’s when God says, “Okay I am going to make you My handiwork. I am going to do some reconstruction. I’ve got to repair some things that the enemy had control of and reconstruct you into My workmanship. Why? Because I have a plan that was predestined, planned beforehand, and I need for you to walk in it to live the
good life which I have prearranged and made ready for you.” We cannot be ignorant of the fact that the enemy wasn’t happy about that decision, and that he would try to make you abort it. Funny thing is that the word abort means “to stop something before it is completed.” The enemy is going to drop a seed and impregnate your mind with this thinking: “I gave my life to Jesus expecting a change, but I don’t see it or feel it. How can God use me or change me? I am a mess. I still think about and sometimes even do things I used to.”

The enemy uses everything about the birthing. He uses the placenta, which is a temporary organ that joins the fetus and the mother, transferring oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the fetus that permits the release of carbon dioxide (colorless, odorless, gas, poison) and waste products from the fetus. Everything good that God ordained it to be, the enemy uses it for bad. The enemy uses the placenta as an organ in your mind to transfer poison in the way you think, and the more you think about it will soon be birthed. When things are not lining up with what God has spoken in Ephesians 2:10, it is time to abort, because you don’t want what that seed will produce. Stop feeding it and abort. Anything you stop feeding has to die.

The reconstruction begins. Don’t worry about how to abort. If you ask the Holy Spirit, you have help. God is going to impregnate you with a seed that feeds the placenta with good works and a new mentality. In Philippians 2:5 the scripture says: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus
RECONSTRUCTION. I don’t know about you, but when God started the process in me, it was massive. Thoughts all messed up, people-pleasing, low self-esteem, no concept of how much God loved me, doing things that God was not pleased with, and had thoughts about others that were totally untrue. So there were too
ls that were needed for this construction
that I am sure God had to create just to make me ov
er, and it is still processing.
We might dress and look nice outwardly, but pe
ople don’t even comprehend the
construction going on inside—a masterpiece fit for
the Master’s use. No one can hear or feel
the commotion going on inside. Those lethal though
ts that can contaminate and hinder you
from getting a hold of the calling and gifting that
the enemy has tried to bury beneath the
mess as he tries to make you think in your mind. B
ut God is reconstructing.
There are people you meet who, at first glance
, make you think they got it together.
But spending only a moment with them, you find that
there are a few blocks missing, a few
screws loose, and they are in need of reconstructio
I suspect that there is not a person here that
does not need and will continue to need
God to do some reconstruction. We came to God cond
emned, and He began to use the Holy
Spirit to uncover those things that the enemy tried
so hard to cover up with his mess.
Might have led you to believe it was good, and may
have even looked good.
But the Holy Spirit brought the equipment need
ed to uncover those things that have
stopped your deliverance. This construction will n
ot be pretty because of the warped
building the enemy did, things in your past that co
uld have been used but were twisted and
made ugly. God says, “That’s okay. I’ll rebuild a
nd give you a new thing even better than
the old.”
Familiarize yourself with what it used to look
like, and look at what God made it into.
God says, “I won’t give up on you. You may fall do
wn again, but get up again.” For a saint
is just a sinner who fell down and got up again. G
od’s unfailing love will lift you up.
God won’t stop in the middle of construction.
He who has begun a good work in you will
perform it right up till the day of Jesus Christ’s
return, perfecting and bringing it to full term
and completion.
Hallelujah, God isn’t through with you yet. H
e is so good to you that in the middle of
reconstruction, He is covering you in the blood whi
le you go through the challenges of
God is so good that in the middle of change, H
e will provide a shield for you to protect
your reputation and public persecution. He knows t
hat some of those righteous “holier than
thou” people would be appalled to know what kind of
person you were or what goes on in
your mind in the midnight hour.
Oh but God, He is reconstructing. Most of us
here are in serious trouble in your mind if
you are honest. Some are at your wits end and begg
ing even as I speak for some
reconstruction work to begin.
You are ready. Psalm 107:20-21 declares: I se
nd forth My word to heal you and rescue
you from the pit of destruction. Oh, that men woul
d praise the Lord for His goodness and
lovingkindness and wonderful works. He is giving u
s His Word which is like no other.
God’s Word is a lifeline when you are going th
rough reconstruction. We all understand
the teaching about the confession of God’s Word and
what a man thinks, so is he, and that
we have to confess the right stuff in the midst of
Got that, know that, and believe in that. But
if you don’t allow the reconstruction to
start in your mind, all the while your mouth is con
fessing, your mind won’t be thinking it.
You have to understand that a house divided works a
gainst itself. You have to allow God to
work in your mind.