Freedom From Condemnation


Out of the depths have I cried to You, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice; let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. If You, Lord, should keep account of and treat [us according to our] sins, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You [just what man needs], that You may be reverently feared and worshiped”. (Psalms 130:1-4)

How merciful is our God who forgives. Often it is God’s people who condemns us by keeping count of the “bad” things we do. Condemnation from people will cause tremendous hurts and because we have been trained to react to what others say and feel about us we condemn ourselves.   But David said that because God forgives our sins and do not keep account of it than we are able to stand. He tells God that if He did keep a record of it than which of us will be able to stand.  There would be not one standing. This includes those who condemns, those who accuses.

We fear what people will say or how they will look at us when sin creeps in and there is exposure. But what we forget is that God is the only one that we must fear, a reverent fear. The fear that say “Lord I come before you with an unclean heart and I ask you for forgiveness” and God will say, “you are forgiven my Daughter, go and sin no more”. (John 8:11)

Who among us can stand before God sinless? Who among us has the authority to cast stones? David allows us to see that God do not keep records of our sins or failures.

But David said that because God forgives our sins and do not keep account of it than we are able to stand. He tells God that if He did keep a record of it than which of us will be able to stand.  There would be not one standing. This includes those who condemns, those who accuses.

You will often find that those who condemn have a heart that has been wounded. There may be other issues that they hide behind too but they will strike out at others with hurtful words, judging and condemning.  If we could see beyond the mask we will see a face of loneliness, discontent, and a wounded soul.

David cried that the Lord may hear him and that the Lords ears be attentive, listening, to his prayer.  We should cry out to God for those who condemns others for only God knows the heart of a person.

Heavenly Father, hear my cry as I lift up those whose hearts are hurting and may have cause one to hurt and be condemned by hurtful words spoken from their mouth.  Lord I know that you know the heart of the one that caused the hurt by condemning others and you see the pain and torment those words caused. But, Father, you will gracefully remove the pain and torment I ask you to help me to forgive those who spoke words or did hurtful things and those who were eager to have an ear to hear them. Father I am able to stand because you do not keep count of my sins and I can boldly come before you and worship you with a grateful heart. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.