God is in Control and He is Shifting


Habakkuk 1:5: Look among the nations and watch. Be utterly astounded! For I will
work a work in your days which you would not believe through it were told you.
There is a sovereign work of God going on at this very
time. There is a work going on in the lives of those who are hearing God at this
hour. Those who are hearing will be astonished and overwhelmed at what God is doing and
is going to do.
Habakkuk speaks of what is going on in this day. Some may say that they can’t hear
what God is doing because of all that is going on in the world and those issues that they
face day by day. But when you read Habakkuk, he speaks of those things. The issues that
were going on in the day that Habakkuk spoke to God about, I believe were some of the
same issues we face today.
We should not be moved by what is taking place in this day and in this hour, because
God is still in control. I believe that He is shaking and shifting things, and when God is
shifting, things happen. I believe that even though there is darkness in the world, God is
shifting in the lives of individuals, and there is goodness and gladness in the midst of all
that appears dark. I believe right now God’s people are going to be blessed and delivered
out of situations which they will know that only God could have done. He will astound you
and your household when everything around you is crumbling.
God say in Habakkuk 1:5: Look among the nations and watch. He is not moved by
what is happening in the world. He knows, and He knew before it began. It is man who is
moved, not God. Habakkuk 1:3: Why do You show me iniquity and cause me to see
trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises.
There have been laws put in place recently that were wrongfully put in
place. There are things taken by force in the world right now that were wrongfully
taken. You feel the strife and contention rising in this nation and in others around
us. Habakkuk 1:4 reads: Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For
the wicked surround the righteous; therefore perverse judgment proceeds.
Instead of getting better, it seems to get worse in many situations which surround
us. But God is not moved; He is shaking, Habakkuk 1:6 Amp: I am rousing up the
Chaldeans, that bitter (angry and unhappy) and impetuous (controlled by emotions rather
than by thought) nation who is marching through the earth to take possession of dwelling
places that do not belong to them.
It is interesting to note that God roused up the Chaldeans. It is not by chance that
things are happening. God is in control, just like He hardened the heart of Pharaoh to let
God’s people go. He was in control then, and He is in control now. Why didn’t God just let
the people go from Pharaoh? Because the people had to know that God did it. Nothing just
happens that is not out of God’s hand.
Habakkuk was a prophet, but he also was an intercessor who prayed for the church. In
Chapter 2, he heard what God was saying, and he moved on it. He said okay, I am going to
take my position and pray for the church.
I believe for us God is calling us to pray for the church today that the church will take
its position to watch what God is doing and not be moved. The church should not be joined
with what the world thinks and is saying about what is happening but declare that God is
still in control. Take your position, people of God. Pray and watch, see what God is doing
and don’t be moved. Seek Him and see what He is saying. He will say be not moved, for I
am working a work in this day that you will be astonished and overwhelmed.
Those who expect to hear from God must draw away from the world and get above it
and sit upon the ramparts. We must not lose sight of the fact that what is going on is just
the fate of the world and don’t remember who we belong to–a wise, righteous, powerful,
mighty God who governs this world.
Write the vision. God’s promises are your vision. Make it plain; make it so that it is
readable. God’s promise to me is that I shall live an abundant life. John 10:10 tells me
that Jesus said: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I
have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” The thief
will come to kill and steal, but Jesus came so that I may have life and have it abundantly,
overflowing, and everything I need for this life.
Jesus also said that I am to have peace. John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you, My
peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.”
Therefore, if that is true, I am not going to live in a world full of confusion and laws
passed that I cannot live with. That is not abundant living and a peaceful life. It seems as
if it is not happening that things are getting worse, but God is moving. Though it tarries,
God is awakening those who have an ear to hear, and He is preparing and shaping
them. He has called them to move when He says move.  God is
getting ready to raise up Zion who will declare “Our God reigns!”
God is raising up those whom He will loosen the bonds of captivity from around their
necks. He is raising up those who had no voice but now have one. He is raising up an army
who will forcefully take back what the enemy has stolen. Write it—wait on it—and run with
There is a shifting in the land. Can you feel it? What are you going to do about it?